SweeTy CoVeR by HenRy CaNoVa
AnoTheR oNe ..Of CouRse Mr.STIN
EnJoYeD!! AnD Don't 4geT 2 Let's Me KnoW whicH 1 You like the MosT!!.
Great new band cutie 2 duo: Om_Yim - The guitarist
iF you love playing guitar, The Band is STOKED OMG!! Mr. A the guitarist is GODSEND DUDE!! CuTie Duo A + Eve
Mischievous + Naughty Band that will put Hugh Smile on Your Face!!
Beleive Me EveN She's got SLit Eyes, Her Voice is BIG thoU!!
BEWARE: Her VoiCe will Melt your hearT!!