The 38 year ago

Great new band cutie 2 duo: Om_Yim - The guitarist

A + Eve

iF you love playing guitar, The Band is STOKED OMG!! Mr. A the guitarist is GODSEND DUDE!! CuTie Duo A + Eve

Room 3.50

Mischievous + Naughty Band that will put Hugh Smile on Your Face!!

Little EyeS

Beleive Me EveN She's got SLit Eyes, Her Voice is BIG thoU!!

JaaeSaYHi BanD + 9HanDY

BEWARE: Her VoiCe will Melt your hearT!!

September 30, 2012

ให้ฉันดูแลเธอ CoVeR

SweeTy CoVeR by HenRy CaNoVa

AnoTheR oNe ..Of CouRse Mr.STIN

EnJoYeD!! AnD Don't 4geT 2 Let's Me KnoW whicH 1 You like the MosT!!. 

ใจกลางความรู้สึกดีๆ CoVeR + Mp3

ThIs CoveR by STIN...The OnE tHaT I ReaLLy LiKe

AnoTheR 1 by Mr.MoS!! Gr8 CoVeR!! KeeP up Ur GooD WorK

Mp3_STIN COVER is Available 4DownLoaD @ SiDeBaR.. GuiTaR ChorD also can be found @ www.GuiTar4RookiE.BloGsPoT.CoM

หมอกหรือควัน BoNuS PriCe TaG by STIN

HaPPY VeGemiTe!! WiTh SenSe of HuMours Mr. FaIR STIN

GifteD DuDe..wiTh The Voice 2die4. LoVe The waY He 's Strumming away!! WisH onedaY I could play it just like him.!! By The way, Hope you enjoYeD watching This CliP. No Mp3 just yet, but if U can be done!

GuiTaR of this sonG Available @ www.guITaR4Rookie.bloGspoT.coM

By BirD ThonGChaI

September 29, 2012

Unlovable CoveR by P&T

OnCe AgaiN LuV The waY this DudE StruMMinG GuiTaR

The MusiC SheeT & ChorD is available @

นอนน้อย GuiTaR AcousTiC CoVeR

LuV This AcouStiC GuiTaR CoVeR

AnoTheR VerSioN by JaNe PinKuiTarZ

AwesoMe GuiTar PlaYing skiLL the LoNG ShaGGy DuDe!!The Music Sheet and GuitaR chord are available @


คนข้างล่าง CoveR by BanDtheThirDBanD

CoVeR by BaNDThe 3RdBaND

EnJoYeD LisTeNinG 2 The NiCe CoVeR TheN. The Mp3 can be done upon the number of requests.!! CheeRs

By The way, The GuiTaR chord is available @

คืนนี้ขอหอม CoVeR by 2Pcs

Gr8 LiVe aCouStiC CoVeR by 2Pcs

เพลง: คืนนี้ขอหอม
ArtisT: YoKee PlaYBoY

By YoKee PlaYBoY

September 27, 2012

เธอทั้งนั้น Groove Rider Cover By เอ อีฟ PluS MP3

LiVe CoVeR @Hue Hin Beach By A & Eve

Mp3 is available 4download @sidebar!! Anyway, Sorry that the quality of sound is not as good as It should be 'coz there is by far too much background noise!! Shh.. !!Hope you enJoyed watching this cover!! The Guitar Chord is also available @

แอบชอบ - ละอองฟอง CoVeR by เอ อีฟ

UkuLeLe CoVeR by A & EvE

Unfortunately, There is no mp3 of this cover available just yet, as I have been rather busy lately!! By the way, if time permits, I will try to get it ready 4dowNloaD then!! Cheers

ผ่านไปเลย Ost HOME cOveR by เอ อีฟ + Mp3 DowNLoaD

AnoTheR LoveLy CoveR by A & EvE

DowNLoaD Mp3 of this cover @ Sidebar!! Hope You like this cover just like I do!! Also the guitar chord of this song can be found at

อาการรัก Vs ให้รักมันโตในใจ CoVeR by เอ อีฟ + Mp3 DowNlOaD

NiCe CoVeR by A & Eve

Mp3 is available @ the sidebar!! Also if you are interested in guitar music sheet of this cover, the guitar chord can be found @

September 24, 2012

ยิ่งใกล้กันยิ่งหวั่นไหว CoveR by น้องกวาง

SweeTy AcouStIc coVer by น้องกวาง & NiMiT GuiTaR

เพลง: ยื่งใกล้กันยิ่งหวั่นไหว
ArtisT: แนน วาทิยา

By NaN WatiYa

ทราย วัชราวลี CoveR by เอ อีฟ

I FirST HeaD OveR HeeLs In LuV wiTh ThiS DuO 'CoZ ThIs CoVeR

AgaIn Mp3 of this cover can be downloaded @ right sidebar >>. CheeRs WisH you Fall in Luv wiTh This GrouP as I do!!

เจ็บและชินไปเอง ETC CoVeR

StuNninG AcouStiC GuiTaR CoveR by ชานน เพ็งพงศา

4 PpL wHo LiKe PiaNo CoVeR by PaINiSMO

Mp3 is available ib guitar version only!! Anyway the piano version will be arranged upon the request!! STOKED!!

ไม่เคยจะห่างกัน CoveR

Male VersiOn CoveR by 2PlaNK

AnoTheR asPecT of this SonG when it's CoveR by FemaLe 2Pcs

Mp3 of Both cover can be downloaded @ right sidebar!! Enjoyed and  let's me know which one you prefer!! Cheers

จะรักให้ดีที่สุด Cover

CoVeR by JaNe & PinkuiTarZ

Mp3 of this cover is available and can be downloaded @ right sidebar!! Cheers!! Keep up your good work girls!!

ThE GuiTaR ChorD and Music sheet can be found at

สักวันหนึ่ง Cover

Gr8 CoveR by PinkuitarZ NimiT

Also there is Mp3 of this cover, can be downloaded @ right sidebar!! Enjoyed watching!!


AnYwaY, The GuiTaR Chord is Available @

ยิ่งรู้จักยิ่งรักเธอ CoVeR

SweeT CoVer by A & Eve

Mp3 can be downloaded @ right sidebar. Hope you guyz are enjoyed watching this amazing cover!! STOKED

The GuiTar Chord @

September 23, 2012

คนที่แสนดี Cover

CoVeR by The 38 YeaR AgO

ThiS oNe CoVeR by A & Eve

Mp3 Can b Downloaded @ right Sidebar!! By the way, it is only avialable on A & Eve VeRsiOn!! HoPe You Guyz enjoyed waTching!!

ร่มสีเทา Cover

ThiS FeMale VersioN coveR by A & Eve

AnOtHeR Gr8 VeRsiON by SweeTeneRs

Mp3 Can b downloaded @ right sidebar!! Cheers Hope you enjoyed watching these music cover

GuItaR ChoRD of This Song can be found @

เข้ากันไม่ได้ CoVeR

ThiS VeRsiOn CoveR by ToM RooM39

AnOtHeR FeMaLe CoVeR by A & Eve

Mp3 of Both CoveRs Can B DowNlOaDed @ RighT SideBaR!! HoPe You EnJoyeD WatChing Both CoveRs


